Plant and Equipment
Minimum RequirementsPlant includes machinery, equipment, appliances, containers, implements and tools and components or anything fitted or connected to the plant and equipment.
Limbs amputated by unguarded moving parts of machines
Being crushed by mobile plant
Sustaining fractures from falls while accessing, operating or maintaining plant
Electric shock from plant that is not adequately protected or isolated
Burns or scalds due to contact with hot surfaces, or exposure to flames or hot fluids.
Other risks include hearing loss due to noisy plant, and musculoskeletal disorders caused by poorly maintained plant and manually handling or operating poorly designed plant.
Energy sources are to be isolated when working on plant or it is not in use
Isolation locks are to be used at all times when conducting maintenance on plant
Plant operators are to be verified as qualified or competent in accordance with the PDI4-54 Training Matrix prior to commencing works
Critical documentation for the plant shall be obtained prior to commencing works, including service history, statutory registrations, plant risk assessment, Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) and operators’ manuals
Pre-start inspections are to be conducted on all items of plant where required or recommended by the manufacturer
Spotters are to be in place in areas of operating mobile plant, with effective communication devices (e.g. radios)
Registration required |
Exemptions |
− Boilers categorised as hazard level A, B or C according to criteria in section 2.1 of AS 4343–2005: Pressure equipment—hazard levels. − Pressure vessels categorised as hazard level A, B or C according to the criteria in section 2.1 of AS 4343–2005: Pressure equipment—hazard levels, except for gas cylinders; LP Gas fuel vessels for automotive use, and serially produced vessels − Tower cranes including self-erecting tower cranes. − Lifts, escalators and moving walkways − Building maintenance units − Amusement devices classified by section 2.1 of AS 3533.1–2009: Amusement rides and devices—Design and construction except amusement devices noted below − Concrete placing booms, and − Mobile cranes with a rated capacity of greater than 10 tonnes. |
− Any pressure equipment (other than a gas cylinder) excluded from the scope − of AS/NZS 1200–2000: Pressure equipment. See section A1 of Appendix A to AS/NZS 1200–2000 − A manually powered crane or hoist − A reach stacker − Amusement devices classified by section 2.1 of AS 3533.1–2009: − Amusement rides and devices—Design and construction that are: − class 1 devices − playground devices − water slides where water facilitates patrons to slide easily, predominantly under gravity, along a static structure − wave generators where patrons do not come into contact with the parts of machinery used for generating water waves, and − inflatable devices, other than inflatable devices—continuously blown—with a platform height of three metres or more |