Penetration, Coring & Concrete Cutting
Minimum RequirementsPenetrations, coring and concrete cutting are construction and demolition activities used to remove or modify structures
Penetration in the construction industry typically refers to creating openings or holes required in the building design
Coring involves the extraction of cylindrical cores or samples from structures. This method is commonly used to obtain samples for testing and create openings installations of services
Concrete cutting encompasses various methods of removing or altering concrete structures Prior to commencing works consideration must be given to the potential existence of hidden services, structural reinforcement and post tensioning cables
If the risk is identified works penetrating 50mm in depth or more, e.g., drilling, coring or cutting based activities into any planned work areas such as existing slab in grounds, suspended slabs and precast walls must require a penetration, coring and concrete cutting permit to be completed.
Look to re-design to avoid the need to penetrate, core or concrete cut
Plan work to avoid existing services, check as built drawings and request information from asset owners
Relocate services to divert from planned penetration, cored or concrete cutting works
Conduct service scans to identify live services encased in concrete slabs and walls to avoid cutting into services, reinforcement and post tensioning cables
Utilisation of fixed plant to penetrate, core or concrete cut rather than handheld equipment
Penetration, coring and concrete cutting areas shall be controlled through signage, barricades, fences
Energy sources are identified and verified as being isolated before commencing work
Lock out/tag out processes are in place for all isolations, including plant and equipment not in use
Utilisation of supporting devices to assist with cutting and coring equipment to avoid awkward working positions and to reduce forces
Utilisation of fitted extraction devices to eliminate dust production
Remove slurry before it dries to prevent dried material from generating dust
Service scanner has a current calibrated certificate. This calibrated certificate shall be uploaded onto HammerTech
Utilisation of motorised trolley with anchored guide tracks
If required, relevant engineers have been consulted regarding the size of worked area and potential affected areas
Prior to penetrations, coring and concrete cutting activities ensure that hazmat testing has been completed
Ensure DBYD and service scans have been completed to identify services and depths of services
Penetration, coring and/ or concrete cutting Permit has been completed, reviewed and approved by a Baseline representative
If possible, all services to be marked up on the ground/ wall surface prior to works to ensure services are identified
Penetration, coring and/ or concrete cutting contractors are competent to operate equipment
If required, ensure air monitoring is occurring internally
Ensure that SWMS are provided, reviewed and approved by a Baseline representative prior to works