Confined Spaces Baseline Safety Standards

Confined Spaces

Minimum Requirements
Confined Space Entry Permit
Confined Space Licence Construction HSE Induction
Risk Management
Risk Register Review High Risk Workshop SWMS Rescue Plan
PPE Mandatory
PPE Additional

Confined spaces can be defined as a space that is not designed or intended to be occupied by a person and where a person’s head or upper body is in the confined space or within the boundary of the confined space.


A confined space is determined by the hazards associated with a specific set of circumstances and not just because work is performed in a small space.

Confined spaces can be defined as a space that:
  • Is not designed or intended to be occupied by a person

  • Is, or is designed or intended to be, at normal atmospheric pressure while any person is in the space, and

  • Is or is likely to be a risk to health and safety from:

  • An atmosphere that does not have a safe oxygen level, or

  • Contaminants, including airborne gases, vapours and dusts, that may cause injury from fire or explosion, or

  • Harmful concentrations of any airborne contaminants, or engulfment.

Step 1 Pre-construction planning

Baseline Project Team MUST Identify all known Confined Spaces within construction zone. Associated risks are to be assessed by Project Team and agree controls recorded in the Project Risk Register in accordance with the hierarchy of controls.

In D&C and new build construction all confined spaces must be designed out at safety in design review

Step 2 Contractor requirements

All contractors must identify any High Risk activity within their scope of work, evidence of experience carrying out this activity, provision for full time supervision, relevant licenses and competencies of supervisor and workers

All contractors are required to develop and submit, a specific safe system of work, e.g. SWMS, for this High Risk activity to the Baseline site representative for approval (7days) prior to commencing works

This MUST include an Emergency Procedure / Rescue Plan, evidence that supervisors and workers are trained in the procedure

The Baseline expectation is that our contractors will follow all safety requirements listed within our standards

Step 3 Pre-activity review

Proposed methodology MUST be reviewed by Project Team and assess for need to conduct activity specific High Risk Workshop.

Note: (If required) High Risk Workshop is required to be conducted with contractor undertaking activity and Baseline Project Team.

Actions needed to make confined space safe prior to entry e.g. purging, or isolating MUST be identified and approved.

Methodology, SWMS and Confined Space licences MUST be reviewed and approved by Baseline site manager/supervisor

All workers involved in the confined space entry must be trained and competent for the works being undertaken, works MUST be supervised at all times

Activity duration MUST be confirmed and agreed with all stakeholders.

A Confined Space rescue plan must be provided and approved prior to works commencing

Step 4 Work activity approval

Prior to working in the space a Confined Space Entry Permit MUST be submitted by the subcontractor supervisor and approved by the Baseline site manager.

Any other permits e.g. Isolation, Hot Works, Work At Height, MUST be submitted, reviewed and approved.

A toolbox talk MUST be conducted by a Baseline Project Team member immediately prior to commencing works, and include all workers involved in the activity.

Note: The Confined Space Entry Permit MUST be provided by the engaged subcontractor, the Baseline site representative is ensure all permit requirements are met prior to approving works.

A task specific Confined Space rescue plan must be in place and communicated to all workers by Confined Space supervisor

Step 5 Work activity monitoring

Baseline site manager / supervisor MUST monitor the confined space activity (from outside the confined space) until the work activity has been completed.

A Task Observation should be conducted by a Baseline Project Team members to record the works being carried out as per approved SWMS.

The Subcontractor Supervisor MUST be present at all times to ensure the permit is being adhered to and a standby person is in place for the duration of the works.

Step 6 Completion of work activity

At the end of the activity the subcontractor Confined Space supervisor MUST confirm the space has been vacated by all team members and the space has been closed off to prevent unauthorised entry.

The Baseline site manager / supervisor MUST confirm the confined space is vacated, area has been made safe and close out the confined space permit to confirm works are complete

The confined space MUST be signed as required and added to the site / client Confined Space register


Confined spaces can be defined as a space that is not designed or intended to be occupied by a person and where a person’s.

A confined space is determined by the hazards associated with a specific set of circumstances and not just because work is performed in a small space.

Elimination Physically remove the hazard

Where possible, eliminate the need to enter the confined space through the use of plant or equipment such as long reach tools, robots, hooks or magnets.

Substitution Replace the hazard

Organise work methods to minimise time spent inside the confined space

  • Atmospheric contaminants must be purged or ventilated where reasonably practicable (Gas mixture used for ventilation or purging must not have an oxygen concentration exceeding 21% by volume).

Isolation Isolate people from the hazard

Confined space entry points are to be signposted and barricaded off to prevent unauthorised entry.

  • All energy sources are to be controlled and locked out prior to entry into a confined space.

  • Ignition sources are to be removed where a flammable atmosphere exists.

Engineering Replace the hazard

Forced extraction ventilation is to be utilised to ventilate large spaces, tanks or vessels where required.

  • Devices used for confined space work are to be tested, calibrated or maintained in accordance with the Inspection and Test Schedule, or manufacturer’s requirements. This includes, but is not limited to, gas monitors, communication devices, respiratory protection, purging and / or ventilation equipment, lighting and access and egress equipment ie. Tripods, harnesses and retrieval systems.

  • Atmospheric monitoring is to be conducted prior to entering the space, and periodically while work is occurring. Results are to be recorded on the Confined Space Permit (The range of safe oxygen levels must be between 19.5% and 23.5%).

  • Communication methods are to be tested for effectiveness prior to commencing works ie. Use of radios.

Administration Change the way people work

Confined space entrants are to be qualified and trained to National Units of Competency, including permit issuers and standby persons

  • A Confined Space Permit and a reviewed and accepted SWMS is to be in place before work commences.

  • An Emergency Procedure and Rescue plan must be in place prior to persons entering the confined space.

PPE Protect the worker with PPE

Confined space SWMS should indicate the PPE required, which may include hard hats, safety glasses, gloves, respirators, harnesses or other in addition to site mandatory PPE.


In addition to the Confined Space Entry Permit Other permits may be required to be submitted for this activity e.g. Work At Heights and Hot Works.

Qualifications and Competency







Enter and work in confined spaces




Enter confined space




Work with issued permit




Observe permit work





Conduct local risk control





Gas test atmospheres





Conduct hazard analysis





Issue work permits





Monitor & control permits





Confined Space Rescue


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