Demolition (Structural) Baseline Safety Standards

Demolition (Structural)

Minimum Requirements
Demolition Permit
Demolition Licence Construction HSE Induction
Risk Management
Risk Assessment (Register) Review High Risk Workshop SWMS Emergency Response Plan
PPE Mandatory
PPE Additional

Demolition work includes demolishing or dismantling a structure or part of a structure that is either load bearing or related to the physical integrity of the structure.


A structure is considered to be anything that is constructed, whether fixed or moveable, temporary or permanent, and includes buildings, sheds, towers, chimney stacks, silos and storage tanks.

Demolition work is often the first activity to occur on a construction project, and involves managing a range of risks that can lead to injury and / or death. Uncontrolled demolition can lead to structural collapses, exposure to hazardous materials or energy sources, falls from heights, mobile plant incidents and / or environmental incidents.

Demolition work is High Risk Construction Work (HRCW), but it does not include:

  • dismantling formwork, falsework, or other structures used to provide support, access or containment during construction

  • removing power poles, light poles or phone poles.

  • Soft demo e.g. removal of non load bearing walls and ceilings

  • Other demolition or removal of building elements that does not affect structural integrity of structure

Step 1 Pre-construction planning

The risks arising from demolition works are to be identified, assessed and controlled in the Project Risk Register, in accordance with the hierarchy of controls.

For all structural demolition works a Structural Demolition Permit Work Plan is to be developed in accordance with the Safe Work Australia: Demolition Work Code of Practice (2018) and AS2601 The demolition of structures.

Step 2 Contractor requirements

All demolition contractors must identify all High Risk activities within their scope of work, evidence of experience carrying out this activity, provision for full time supervision, relevant licenses and competencies of supervisor and workers

All contractors are required to develop and submit, a specific safe system of work, e.g. SWMS, for High Risk activities to the Baseline site representative for approval (7days) prior to commencing works

This MUST include an Emergency Procedure / Rescue Plan, evidence that supervisors and workers are trained in the procedure

Demolition contractors MUST submit a demolition plan and (within given timescale) evidence of notification to relevant state regulator

Demolition contractor MUST hold a current (NSW - Restricted/Unrestricted) demolition licence relevant to the state works being undertaken

Note: The Baseline expectation is that our contractors will follow all safety requirements listed within our standards

Step 3 Pre-activity review

Demolition plan and methodology MUST be reviewed by Project Team and considered prior to undertaking high risk workshop

High Risk Workshop to be conducted with demolition contractor undertaking activity and Baseline Project Team to identify all known and potential hazards e.g. adjacent buildings, existing services, silica dust, existing Hazmat, falls from height, dropped objects, explosions, exclusion zones

Methodology, competencies and duration of works MUST be confirmed and agreed with all stakeholders

Step 4 Work activity approval

Prior to commencing structural demolition a Demolition Permit MUST be submitted by the demolition contractor and approved by the Baseline site manager.

Note: Demolition Permit is valid for 7 days and MUST be reviewed, updated if required and resubmitted for approval

A toolbox talk MUST be conducted by the Baseline site manager immediately prior to commencing works, and MUST include demolition supervisor and all workers involved in the demolition work

Step 5 Work activity monitoring

Baseline site manager / supervisor MUST monitor the demolition work (from a safe distance) until the work activity has been completed.

A Task Observation should be conducted by the Baseline site manager / supervisor to record the works being carried out as per approved demolition methodology and SWMS.

The demolition supervisor MUST be present at all times to ensure the SWMS are being followed, permit is being adhered to and works are being carried out safely

Step 6 Completion of work activity

At the end of the activity the demolition supervisor MUST confirm the work is complete and the exclusion zone area is safe for other trades to enter.

The Baseline site manager / supervisor MUST confirm the work has been completed, the demolition exclusion zone is safe to enter, and close out the demolition permit.

Note: Engineering confirmation and sign off MUST be provided for structural elements that remain in place and have temporary supports

Elimination Physically remove the hazard

The Demolition Plan shall be designed to eliminate risks where possible (e.g. undertaking works at ground level to eliminate use of cranes or works at height).

Where possible, robotic or remote equipment shall be used to eliminate the need for workers to be in the vicinity of the demolition work area

Substitution Replace the hazard

Where possible mechanical means shall be used to conduct demolition instead of manual labour.

Isolation Isolate people from the hazard

Access to demolition areas shall be controlled through signage, barricades, fences or hoardings.

  • Energy sources are identified and verified as being isolated before commencing work

  • Lock out/tag out processes are in place for all isolations, including plant and equipment not in use.

Engineering Replace the hazard

Plant conducting demolition works shall be equipped with Falling Object Protection (FOP), and other safety devices as required.

  • Temporary supports are to be installed in accordance with a Propping Plan from a Structural Engineer when structural demolition is being conducted.

  • Adjacent structures have been assessed by a Structural Engineer, and recommendations implemented.

  • Fire protection systems (extinguishers, hoses and hydrants) shall be verified as being in place prior to commencing works. Wetting down external areas to prevent airborne dust.

Administration Change the way people work

Confined space entrants are to be qualified and trained to National Units of Competency, including permit issuers and standby persons

  • Statutory notifications have been made 5 days before commencing demolition, where required. The demolition sequence is communicated and understood by all parties

  • Demolition contractors are licenced where required

  • An Occupational Hygienist has surveyed the demolition area for hazardous materials.

  • Strategies shall be developed for waste removal to maintain housekeeping and minimise accumulation of rubbish (e.g., the use of chutes to alleviate transporting waste through buildings).

PPE Protect the worker with PPE

Hard hats are mandatory during demolition works.

Additional PPE shall be worn as required, including respirators, gloves safety glasses and hearing protection.

Notifications and State Licence Requirements

Relevant WHS Regulator (Comcare, Safework NSW, Worksafe QLD)

Type / Hazard


Structural demolition

5 Days

Friable / over 10m non-friable

5 Days

Lead risk works

7 Days

NSW Licence

QLD Licence

DE1 Unrestricted - required to demolish (or partially demolish) any building, structure or installation that: − is over 15 meters in height − is a chemical installation − involves a tower crane on site − involves a mobile crane with a rated capacity of more than 100 tonnes − has structural components that are pretensioned or post-tensioned − involves floor propping − involves explosives

A demolition licence is required to demolish or dismantle a structure that: - contains pre-tensioned or post-tensioned structural components − involves use of load shifting equipment (e.g. use of combination front-end loader and backhoe, skid steer loader, excavator, crane - involves the use of explosives or another induced collapse method

DE2 Restricted - required to demolish (or partially demolish) any building, structure or installation that: − is between 6 metres and 15 metres in height − is between 10 metres and 15 metres in involves using load-shifting machinery on a suspended floor, such as bulldozers, cranes, excavators, front-end and skid-steer loaders.

A demolition licence is required for all other demolition work unless the structure being demolished or dismantled is: - a domestic house (1) - a structure built as, and still generally having the characteristics of, a domestic house (e.g. a domestic house converted to flats or an office) (2) - a structure that is ancillary to a domestic house or a structure with the characteristics of a domestic house (e.g. a carport or garage for a domestic house) (3) - the structure does not contain the structural components described in (1) above and the work does not involve the use of load shifting equipment, or the demolition methods described in (2) or (3) above.

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