Electrical Services Baseline Safety Standards

Electrical Services

Minimum Requirements
Isolation Permit Energisation Permit
Class A Electrical Licence Electrical Contractors Licence LV Rescue Training Construction HSE Induction
Risk Management
Risk Assessment (Register) SWMS Electrical Survey Low Voltage Rescue Plan PPE: must be flame-retardant and comply with relevant standards for anti-static, ARC 1 or 2
PPE Mandatory
PPE Additional

Work that involves connecting electricity supply wiring to electrical equipment or disconnecting electricity supply wiring from electrical equipment, or installing, removing, adding, testing, replacing, altering or maintaining electrical equipment or an electrical installation.


Electrical work is inherent in construction works, and commonly involves managing hazards that, if uncontrolled, could result in shock, injury and/or death.

Even the briefest contact with electricity can have serious consequences for a person’s health and safety, through contact burns, damage to internal organs, causing persons to fall from heights, muscle spasms, palpitations, nausea, vomiting, collapse and unconsciousness.

Faulty electrical equipment and poor electrical installations can also lead to fires that may also cause death or injury to others.

Step 1 Pre-construction planning

The risks arising from electrical works are to be identified, assessed and controlled in the Baseline Project Risk Register, in accordance with the hierarchy of controls.

For High Voltage, complex infrastructure and where electrical risk cannot be eliminated a High Risk Workshop MUST be undertaken by the Baseline project team and relevant electrical contractor

An electrical survey MUST be undertaken to identify all relevant electrical services within, and directly affected by the construction zone

Step 2 Contractor requirements

All electrical contractors must identify all High Risk activities within their scope of work, evidence of experience carrying out these activities, provision for full time electrical supervisor, relevant licenses and competencies of supervisor and workers

All contractors are required to develop and submit, a specific safe system of work, e.g. SWMS, for this High Risk activity to the Baseline site representative for approval (7days) prior to commencing works

This MUST include an Emergency Procedure / Rescue Plan, evidence that supervisors and workers are trained in the procedure

The Baseline expectation is that our contractors will follow all safety requirements listed within our standards

Note: Evidence of specific licence requirements e.g. LV rescue, HV Operator, Lock out Tag out and industry induction MUST be provided

Step 3 Pre-activity review

Proposed methodology to be reviewed by Project Team and assess for need to conduct activity specific High Risk Workshop.

(If required) High Risk Workshop to be conducted with contractor undertaking activity and Baseline Project Team.

Electrical contractor LOTO procedure MUST be provided and reviewed by Baseline site manager / supervisor

Methodology, competencies and duration of isolations MUST be confirmed and agreed with all stakeholders

Step 4 Work activity approval

Electrical survey undertaken by electrical contractor with mark up provided to Baseline Project / Site Manager for review

Isolations MUST be carried out to confirm no live services are present within work area.

Note: Where full isolation is not possible, all live electrical services MUST be identified, protected and clearly labelled to warn all workers of electrical risk

Isolation Permit MUST be submitted by the subcontractor supervisor and approved by the Baseline site manager. (Photographic evidence of LOTO required)

Isolation permits MUST remain in place for full duration of required works

Note: Apprentices and Non-Licenced workers must have an electrical supervisor present when involved in isolations/energisation

Step 5 Work activity monitoring

Baseline site manager / supervisor MUST monitor all electrical isolations until the work activity has been completed. and energisation is required.

A Task Observation should be conducted by a Baseline Project Team member to record the isolation/energisation works are carried out as per approved SWMS.

The electrical contractor supervisor MUST be present when isolating and energising electrical services when a non-licenced electrical and apprentice is involved

Electrical contractor MUST submit a Energisation Permit when re-energising electrical service

Prior to re-energisation of electrical service, Baseline must communicate this in the form of site toolbox talk to all workers and mark up live areas workers are exposed to risk

Step 6 Completion of work activity

At the end of the activity the electrical contractor supervisor MUST confirm the isolation locks are to be removed

The Baseline site manager / supervisor MUST confirm the works have been completed, the isolations are to be removed and the electrical service is safe to commence re-energisation process

Electrical contractor MUST request an Energisation Permit prior to to re-energising ALL electrical services and equipment

Note: Prior to re-energisation of an electrical service, Baseline must communicate the services will go live in the form of site wide toolbox talk and mark up live areas workers may be exposed to risk

Elimination Physically remove the hazard

No work shall be conducted on live electrical components unless it has been determined equipment needs to remain live for critical infrastructure e.g., lifesaving equipment.

All electrical equipment shall be treated as live (Test before you touch) until verified as otherwise.

Substitution Replace the hazard

Low-voltage and/or cordless equipment should be used where practicable.

Isolation Isolate people from the hazard

Isolation of power sources should be verified as effective (Test for Dead)

Lock-out Tag-out (LOTO) processes are to be documented and applied for all isolations

Access controls are to be implemented to prevent unauthorised access to electrical rooms, panels, risers etc

Engineering Replace the hazard

Electrical tools and equipment must be tested and tagged in accordance with the Code of Practice and recorded in the HammerTech Electrical register

  • Barriers shall be used to control access to electrical circuits, including temporary barriers, or use of insulation for preventing an electrical path to earth

  • If there is a risk of damage to electrical wiring, a licenced electrical contractor is to ensure wiring is protected in accordance with Section 2.5.3 of AS/NZS 3012 Electrical Installations

  • Construction and Demolition Sites. RCD’s are to be in use at all times on site, with current test and tags

  • Temporary Distribution Boards shall be positioned in a manner that eliminates the need for flexible cords or cables to be run between levels

Administration Change the way people work

Work must be completed safe distances from powerlines

  • First aid and CPR qualified safety observers competent in Low-voltage rescue must be in place when live electrical work is being conducted

  • Metallic items or jewelry are not to be worn when performing work near exposed conductors

  • All persons conducting electrical work are to be appropriately trained and qualified

  • Only qualified electricians are to make isolations at an MSB or DB

  • Electrical apprentices must be provided supervision in line with NSW Fair Trading: Supervision Practice Standard for Apprentices in the Electrical Industry

PPE Protect the worker with PPE

PPE used for electrical work must be flame-retardant and comply with relevant standards for anti-static, ARC 1 or 2 etc.

Electrical Testing

Periodic Verification Intervals – Electrical Installations (Construction and Demolition Sites)

Periodic Verification Intervals – Electrical Installations (Construction and Demolition Sites)

Equipment Class

Testing Interval

Equipment Class

Testing Interval

Construction wiring, Including switchboards

Inspected and tested prior to energisation, then re-inspected (visually) every 6 months

Portable RCD’s – push button test

Before each use of equipment

Temp Distribution boards RCDs

Monthly / with trip times

Re-locatable structures, fixed and transportable equipment

6 months

Portable equipment and flexible electrical cords (extension leads)

3 months

Portable RCD’s – operating time

3 months

Equipment in amenities and site offices

3 months

Fixed RCD’s operating time

12 months

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