Excavations over 1.5m
Minimum RequirementsExcavation work can be defined as work to make an excavation or to fill or partly fill an excavation. This includes the removal of soil or rock from a site form an open face, hole or cavity, including trenches, shafts and tunnels.
A shaft or trench with an excavated depth of greater than 1.5 metres
or 150mm of digging/ penetration, or A tunnel.
A structural or Geotechnical Engineer must assess adjacent structures / materials / foundations and identify controls
All overhead and underground services have been identified and managed, including liaison with asset owners
Identification of underground services must include Dial Before You Dig conducted at least three days prior to commencement, and may include ground penetrating radar or potholing
A dig plan, methodolgy or SWMS is developed detailing the nature of works to be undertaken and the method used to prevent ground collapse
Adequate barriers and signage around excavation work
How potential falls into the excavation will be controlled in accordance with HRS – Working at Heights
How vehicle or mobile plant movements around the excavation will be controlled (including a Vehicle Management Plan if required).
Emergency procedure shall be established specific to the excavation works being conducted.
Confined space risk has been addressed if applicable
Excavations shall be stabilised through the use of benching, battering or shoring systems when greater than 1.5m in depth
Controls shall be to implemented to prevent falls into excavations, including flagging, barricades or signage
Plant safety devices shall be verified as operational before commencing works.
Earth protection is to be provided on all mobile plant and directional drills
As part of recurring Site Inspections, Excavations shall be routinely inspected by competent persons
Dial Before You Dig (DBYD) and service locations shall be conducted before commencing any excavation work. Identified services shall be marked on the ground and safe approach distances observed as per the Excavation Permit
Plant operators must be qualified or competent via VOCs
Spotters are to be used for all excavation activities
Excavation areas shall be sampled for hazardous materials before commencing works
Asset |
Hand Tools |
Machinery NO-GO |
Low and Medium Pressure gas service |
N/A |
300mm |
Low and Medium-Pressure mains |
N/A |
300mm |
High-Pressure Gas Service, Main or Pipeline |
300mm with asset owner supervision |
1000mm |
Low-Voltage Electrical Cable (>1kV) |
Close proximity |
300mm |
Electricity Conductor (11kV – 33kV) |
Close proximity |
600mm |
Extra High-Voltage Cable (132kV – 330kV) |
Contact asset owner |
Contact asset owner |
Underground sub-transmission cable (>132kV) |
Contact asset owner |
Contact asset owner |
Telecommunications cables |
Contact asset owner |
Contact asset owner |
Water pipelines |
N/A |
300mm |
Sewerage pipelines |
N/A |
300mm |
High-Voltage Electrical Cable (1kV – 33kV) |
Close proximity |
Contact asset owner |
Activity |
Competency |
Record |
Installation and removal of shoring |
RIICCM210E - Install trench support or equivalent |
Handover certificate |
Pre-use inspection, immediately after installation |
Structural or geotechnical engineer |
Handover/Inspection certificate |
Daily pre-use inspections |
N/A |
Permit Control Verification Checklist |
Inspection prior to removal |
RIICCM210E - Install trench support or equivalent |
Inspection certificate |