Formwork and Falsework Baseline Safety Standards

Formwork and Falsework

Minimum Requirements
No Permit Required
Construction HSE Induction Carpenter Structural Engineer
Risk Management
Engineered Design SWMS Engineer Sign Off
PPE Mandatory
PPE Additional

Formwork and falsework are temporary structures that are used during construction and removed once a Structural Engineer responsible for the design in conjunction with the formwork engineer verify in writing that the permanent structure is self-supporting


Falsework means the temporary structure used to support a permanent structure, material, plant, equipment and people until the construction of the permanent structure has advanced to the stage where it is self supporting.

Falsework includes the foundations, footings and all structural members supporting the permanent structural elements. Falsework can be used to support formwork for in-situ concrete, prefabricated concrete elements, steel sections or stone arches e.g. during bridge construction. The major risks related to formwork include falls from platform edges or through penetrations, being hit by falling timbers or crane loads, formwork collapse and contact with powerlines.

‘Formwork’ for the purpose of this HRS includes conventional and engineered formwork systems used for the structural support of concrete for suspended slabs, penetration in-fills, columns and walls including:

  • Traditional/conventional timber formwork (e.g., steel frames, timber bearers, plywood decking)

  • Proprietary table Form Systems with handrail installed before being placed in position

  • Proprietary / modular formwork systems (e.g., Peri Deck, Airodek).

Step 1 Pre-construction planning

The risks arising from formwork and/or falsework are to be identified, assessed, and controlled in the Project Risk Register, in accordance with the hierarchy of controls.

A structural or geotechnical engineer shall conduct an assessment and provide to designer

A design MUST be provided for all Formwork Systems, designed by a qualified engineer in accordance with the requirements set out in AS 3610 – Formwork for Concrete and AS 3600 – Concrete Structures.

Step 2 Contractor requirements

All contractors must identify any High Risk activity within their scope of work, evidence of experience carrying out this activity, provision for full time supervision, relevant licenses and competencies of supervisor and workers to erect/dismantle formwork and/or falsework

All contractors are required to develop and submit, a specific safe system of work, e.g. SWMS, for formwork and/or falsework to the Baseline site representative for approval (7days) prior to commencing works

This MUST include an Emergency Procedure / Rescue Plan, evidence that supervisors and workers are trained in the procedure

Note: The Baseline expectation is that our contractors will follow all safety requirements listed within our standards

Step 3 Pre-activity review

Proposed methodology to be reviewed by Project Team and assess for need to conduct activity specific High Risk Workshop.

Formwork design MUST be reviewed and approved by Baseline project/site manager

(If required) High Risk Workshop to be conducted with contractor undertaking activity and Baseline Project Team.

Methodology, competencies and timing MUST be confirmed and agreed with all stakeholders

Step 4 Work activity approval

Formwork contractors safe systems of work and SWMS, addressing the installation, monitoring and dismantling of the formwork / falsework system, and competencies of supervisors and workers are required to be reviewed and approved by Baseline site manager to approve the work to proceed.

Note: Work at Heights Permit is required where temporary edge protection cannot be achieved

Step 5 Work activity monitoring

Baseline site manager / supervisor MUST monitor the formwork installation to ensure it is systematically erected and dismantled by a competent person in accordance with the designer’s or manufacturer’s instructions.

If diagonal bracing or other edge protection is installed progressively on formwork frames, other fall prevention control measures may not be necessary

A Task Observation should be conducted by a Baseline Project Team member to record the works being carried out as per approved SWMS.

The Subcontractor Supervisor MUST be present at all times to ensure the workers are complicit with their SWMS and design installation

Step 6 Completion of work activity

At the end of the activity the formwork subcontractor MUST provide an inspection certification/sign off from the Structural Engineer to confirm the formwork has been installed as per the approved design and the formwork deck is safe to access and further works can commence.

A Structural Engineer is required to conduct an inspection and sign off prior to the commencement of concrete pouring, where required.

Elimination Physically remove the hazard

Where possible, fabricate structures on the ground to eliminate workers being exposed to working at heights risks.

Use alternative construction methods that does not require the use of formwork or falsework, such as pre-cast panels.

Formwork / falsework components must be destroyed if damaged.

Where possible, use remote monitoring methods such as CCTV or remote mounted cameras to monitor loading activities.

Substitution Replace the hazard

Using precast columns and beams instead of constructing formwork and pouring concrete on site.

Where practicable, use proprietary modular formwork systems.

Use mechanical aids like cranes, hoists, pallet jacks or trolleys to move equipment and materials wherever possible instead of manually lifting.

Isolation Isolate people from the hazard

Exclusion zones must be established around formwork and falsework including during erection, loading, pouring and dismantling, with preference given to hard barriers.

Formwork and falsework adjacent to mobile plant operating areas or traffic corridors shall be protected by physical barriers, such as concrete barriers, fences or water filled barriers.

Engineering Replace the hazard

Formwork systems are to be designed and certified in accordance with the requirements set out in AS 3610 – Formwork for Concrete and AS 3600 – Concrete Structures. Falsework must be designed to carry all loads that may be applied during the various stages of its use including dead, live, environmental and other loads

  • All materials and equipment used in formwork must be fit for the intended purpose, meet design specifications and comply with relevant Australian Standards, evidence of which should be made available by the supplier. Proprietary systems should not be mixed and matched unless approved by a Structural Engineer

  • Falsework may be constructed from prefabricated modular scaffold components, provided the structure is capable of withstanding the loading in AS 3610 series and such loading is permitted by the component manufacturer

  • Install handrails and edge protection to manage fall from heights risk in accordance with HRS – Working at Heights

  • Installation of Penetration covers where there are open penetrations

Administration Change the way people work

Prior to formwork or falsework work commencing, subcontractors are to provide an Engineers Inspection Test Plan (ITP) and discrepancies rectified

  • Work at Heights Permits to be approved prior to commencing works above 2 metres, refer to the Working at Heights High-Risk Standard

  • A Safe Work Method Statement shall be provided for all high-risk construction work conducted as part of formwork / falsework scope of works

  • Structural components, including frames specifically intended to support formwork, do not require design registration. However, if traditional prefabricated scaffolding is used as part of the supporting structure, the prefabricated scaffolding does require design registration

  • Formwork should be monitored as it is loaded to check for indications of potential failure or collapse, and that vertical and horizontal movements do not exceed specifications, and visually remain as per the intent of the design

  • Competent persons should be on site during concrete placement to make any emergency adjustments or repairs. The concrete placement should stop during adjustments and repairs at the discretion of a competent person

PPE Protect the worker with PPE

The subcontractors SWMS should indicate the general and any additonal PPE required, which may include hard hats, safety glasses, gloves, harnesses or other in addition to site mandatory PPE.

Inspection and Competency




Installation, alteration, dismantling of formwork / falsework

Qualified Carpenter - minimum Certificate III in Carpentry (or equivalent)

Subcontractor Handover certificate

Pre-use inspection, immediately after installation

Structural Engineer

Formwork Structural Certificate

Pre-use inspection, immediately prior to loading

Structural Engineer

Formwork Structural Certificate

Continuous monitoring during loading

Qualified Carpenter - minimum Certificate III in Carpentry (or equivalent) or Structural Engineer


Inspection prior to dismantling

Structural Engineer

Formwork Structural Certificate & Written confirmation from the Structural Engineer responsible for the design in conjunction with the formwork engineer verify in writing that the permanent structure is self supporting

Thank you for your enquiry.
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