Temporary structures Baseline Safety Standards

Temporary structures

Minimum Requirements
*If required *Work at Height *Isolation *Hot Works
Specific to work activity Construction WHS Induction Qualified Engineer
Risk Management
Project Risk Register High Risk Workshop SWMS Engineer approved design
PPE Mandatory
PPE Additional

Temporary structures can be defined as structures designed, constructed, installed and dismantled which are required for the execution of construction works.


Temporary structures are used during the construction, rehabilitation and retrofit of buildings, or any other type of permanent structure.

Other temporary structures used on Baseline Projects sites, such as scaffold, formwork/falsework and shoring, are covered in relevant High Risk Standards.

Working with Temporary Structures can involve a range of hazards and risks including falls from height, falling objects, structural collapse, working near powerlines, interaction with mobile plant and traffic and manual tasks. Risks associated with the use of temporary structures can include people falling, crush injuries, being struck by falling objects, and structure collapse etc

Temporary Structures covers:
  • Temporary Edge Protection

  • Roof Safety Mesh

  • Penetrations

  • Hoarding

Step 1 Pre-construction planning

The risks arising from structural alterations or use of temporary structures are to be identified, assessed, and controlled in the Project Risk Register, in accordance with the hierarchy of controls

A structural or geotechnical engineer shall conduct an assessment and identify controls prior to commencing construction of temporary structures

An emergency procedure shall be established for the potential collapse of the structure

Step 2 Contractor requirements

All contractors must identify any High Risk activity within their scope of work, evidence of experience carrying out this activity, provision for full time supervision, relevant licenses and competencies of supervisor and workers

All contractors are required to develop and submit, a specific safe system of work, e.g. SWMS, for this High Risk activity to the Baseline site representative for approval (7days) prior to commencing works

This MUST include an Emergency Procedure / Rescue Plan, evidence that supervisors and workers are trained in the procedure

The Baseline expectation is that our contractors will follow all safety requirements listed within our standards

Note: All temporary structures MUST be accompanied with ITPs, a propriety design, or a drawing/design plan certified by an appropriately qualified engineer

Step 3 Pre-activity review

Proposed methodology to be reviewed by Project Team and assess for need to conduct activity specific High Risk Workshop.

(If required) High Risk Workshop to be conducted with contractor undertaking activity and Baseline Project Team.

Methodology, competencies and timing MUST be confirmed and agreed with all stakeholders

Structural or geotechnical engineers assessment, and approved design MUST be reviewed prior to erection of structure

Step 4 Work activity approval

High risk workshop actions MUST be reviewed and closed prior to commencing works

Any relevant permits e.g. Isolation/Hot works/Work at heights MUST be submitted and approved

A toolbox talk MUST be conducted by a Baseline Project Team member immediately prior to commencing works, and include all workers involved in the activity

Step 5 Work activity monitoring

Baseline site manager / supervisor MUST monitor the erection and dismantling sequence until the work activity has been completed.

A Task Observation should be conducted by a Baseline Project Team member to record the works being carried out as per approved SWMS.

The Subcontractor Supervisor/Engineer MUST conduct periodic inspections to ensure structural integrity is not affected

Step 6 Completion of work activity

The system or structure must be inspected and certified as being in accordance with the design plan, manufacturer’s instructions, relevant legislation, codes of practice and Australian standards by a structural engineer, or competent person, prior to allowing access to it, in or around it

Elimination Physically remove the hazard

Where possible, fabricate structures on the ground to eliminate workers being exposed to working at heights risks.

Re-route motor vehicles and mobile plant away from the location of the scaffold (e.g., by using traffic controllers to redirect traffic), refer to Traffic Management High Risk Standard

Substitution Replace the hazard

Selecting a less hazardous form temporary structure based on the requirements of its use i.e., resistance, weight load, occupancy load etc.

Use mechanical aids like cranes, hoists, pallet jacks or trolleys to move equipment and materials wherever possible instead of manually lifting equipment.

Isolation Isolate people from the hazard

Exclusion zones must be established around temporary support structures including during erection and dismantling

Temporary support structures adjacent plant operating areas or traffic corridors shall be protected by physical barriers, such as concrete barriers or water filled barriers

Proprietary edge protection or designed penetration covers

A temporary structure must be adequately separated from another temporary structure or an existing permanent building

  • All energy sources are to be controlled and locked out prior to entry into a confined space.

  • Ignition sources are to be removed where a flammable atmosphere exists.

Engineering Replace the hazard

Temporary floors, handrails or scaffolds are to be designed by appropriately qualified persons

Effective containment, including toe boards, catch nets, mesh blankets and/or tool lanyards are to be used when there is a risk of objects falling through openings

Administration Change the way people work

Work at heights permits to be approved prior to commencing works above 2m, refer to the Working at Heights High-Risk Standard

Ground and weather conditions are to be assessed by the site manager prior to working at heights for potential impacts to stability of working at heights infrastructure (refer to ‘Working at Height High-Risk Standard’)

Temporary Structures are to be regularly inspected to monitor the effectiveness of the system/structure

PPE Protect the worker with PPE

Appropriate PPE should be worn for the work being conducted, including but not limited to, gloves, hard hat, safety glasses, and steel cap boots

Additional PPE shall be worn as required, including respirators, safety glasses and hearing protection

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