Work at Heights Baseline Safety Standards

Work at Heights

Minimum Requirements
Work At Heights Rope Access
Work at Heights Licence Rope Access L1,2,*3 Construction WHS Induction
Risk Management
Project Risk Register SWMS High Risk Workshop Specific Rescue Plan
PPE Mandatory
PPE Additional

Fall hazards are associated with many construction work activities e.g. scaffolding, formwork, roofing, height access systems, equipment and plant, unloading trucks, and demolition works.

Falls hazards can also be present at ground level e.g. excavations, penetrations, service pits, shafts and risers


Falls are a leading cause of death and serious injury in Australia.

Most serious and fatal falls are from roofs, ladders or scaffolds – and from a height of between 2.1m and 4m

Falls hazards can also be present at ground level, for example through holes, trenches, service pits and shafts

Risk of a fall means a circumstance that exposes a worker while at work, or other person while at or in the vicinity of a workplace, to a risk of a fall that is reasonably likely to cause injury to the worker or other person

Other risks include the risk of damage to persons or property underneath working at heights areas, including dropped objects, traffic management, and the risk of an arrested fall rescue situation

Safe access and egress of all working at heights areas must be assessed prior to commencing works, including an emergency rescue / retrieval plan must be in place for work at heights when fall arrest is required

Step 1 Pre-construction planning

The risks arising from working at heights, including persons or objects falling, are to be identified, assessed and controlled in the Project Risk Register, in accordance with the hierarchy of controls

All access and fall risks associated with Work at Heights MUST be identified, recorded in Project Risk Register and provided to subcontractors

Subcontractors to be informed that Baseline Projects only allow platform ladders to be used on site in general circumstances. Use of other types of ladders must only occur following a risk assessment and approval from the Site Manager

Emergency procedures specific to scope of works, e.g. crane rescue, are to be developed by the project team and understood at the planning stages

Step 2 Contractor Requirements

All contractors must identify any High Risk activity within their scope of work, evidence of experience carrying out this activity, provision for full time supervision, relevant licenses and competencies of supervisor and workers

All contractors are required to develop and submit, a specific safe system of work, e.g. SWMS, for this High Risk activity to the Baseline site representative for approval (7days) prior to commencing works

This MUST include an Emergency Procedure / Rescue Plan, evidence that supervisors and workers are trained in the procedure

The Baseline expectation is that our contractors will follow all safety requirements listed within our standards

Note: Rope access contractors MUST hold IRATA / SPRAT qualification with *L3 supervisor on site at all times

Note: All roofing workers MUST hold a WAH ticket to work on Baseline projects, this may form part of TAFE training

Step 3 Pre-activity review

Proposed methodology to be reviewed by Project Team and assess for need to conduct activity specific High Risk Workshop.

(If required) High Risk Workshop to be conducted with contractor undertaking activity and Baseline Project Team.

Methodology, competencies and timing MUST be confirmed and agreed with all stakeholders

Emergency rescue procedure MUST be agreed by all stakeholders

Step 4 Work activity approval

Prior to commencing activity a Work at Heights / Rope Access Permit MUST be submitted by the subcontractor supervisor and approved by the Baseline site manager / supervisor

For complex work at height tasks a High Risk Workshop MUST be conducted and include all stakeholders involved in the activity and emergency rescue procedure

The outcome of the High Risk Workshop MUST be communicated to the workers involved in the form of a TBT and emergency rescue plan agreed

Note: Competencies required to be confirmed / All Rope access work requires a L3 supervisor to be on site at all times

Step 5 Work activity monitoring

Baseline site manager / supervisor MUST periodically monitor the WAH / Rope Access activity until the work activity has been completed.

A Task Observation required to be conducted by a Baseline Project Team member to record the works being carried out as per approved SWMS, amendments should be made to SWMS if observation identifies improvements

Rope Access - L3 Supervisor MUST be present at all times to ensure work is carried out safely and requirement of Permit/COP

Step 6 Completion of work activity

At the end of the activity the subcontractor supervisor MUST confirm the work has been completed and all workers have vacated the WAH area and request permit closure of

The Baseline site manager / supervisor MUST confirm the workers have left the area, area has been made safe and close out the WAH / Rope Access permit

Elimination Physically remove the hazard

Where possible works are to be conducted from ground level, e.g. fabricating items on the ground prior to installation at heights. Where possible, installing guardrails to perimeter structural members before erection.

Anchorage points, fall prevention and/or fall protection equipment are to be destroyed if the load-bearing capacity is impaired, there are signs of excessive wear, or following a fall.

Substitution Replace the hazard

When considering work at heights, preference shall be given to the nature of the work in the order of:

  • Fall prevention devices such as scaffolding, edge protection, temporary work platforms

  • Work positioning systems such as fall restraint systems

  • Fall arrest systems such as catch platforms and inertia reels

  • Where ladders are required to undertake works, platform ladders shall be utilised

  • Where another form of ladder is required for the works, i.e. straight ladder, a risk assessment shall be undertaken and approved by the Site Manager prior to works commencing

Isolation Isolate people from the hazard

Where practicable to do so, fall prevention devices (i.e. temporary work platforms, scaffold or temporary edge protection) shall be utilised where fall from height hazards/risks are present

  • Exclusion zones are to be in place under and around all working at heights work activities to isolate personnel from object fall from height hazards and risks

  • Ensure certified roof safety mesh in accordance with AS/NZS 4389 has been installed prior to roof works or access over potentially brittle roof materials

  • Overhead protection to be installed to protect exposed services, plant, equipment and trafficable areas Penetrations covers to be installed / managed in accordance with HRS – Temporary Structures

Engineering Replace the hazard

Plant safety devices are to be verified as operational during Plant Inductions and daily pre-start inspections

  • Provide safe means of access and egress from the workplace or any area within the workplace from or through which a person could fall, such as a platform or scaffolding

  • Catch nets, mesh blankets, tool / equipment lanyards shall be used individually or in conjunction based on a risk assessment where exclusion zones will not adequately manage object fall from height hazards and risks

  • Secondary guarding/devices on Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWP) controls to prevent crush injuries during operation

Administration Change the way people work

Persons working at heights are to be appropriately trained and / or qualified for the works. Persons operating Mobile Elevating Work Platforms are to be appropriately trained and / or qualified for the specific item of plant to be operated

  • Risk assessment to be undertaken to determine use of spotters and / or exclusion zones to manage object fall from height hazards and risks

  • Ground and weather conditions are to be assessed prior to working at heights for potential impacts to stability of working at heights plant and equipment e.g., ladder instability, EWP roll-over

  • Overhead hazards are to be identified and controls implemented prior to commencing works e.g., safe approach distances for powerlines

  • Work at heights permits shall be approved prior to commencing works above 2m (excluding work from platform ladders and working from inspected and approved scaffold)

  • When working in harness, fall restraint systems shall be utilised as first preference. If not practicable for scope of works, fall arrest system shall be utilised and rescue plan developed

PPE Protect the worker with PPE

Non-slip footwear shall be worn when working at heights.

Harnesses are to be worn and tethered to designated anchor points at all times when exposed to a fall from height risk, when working in Boom EWPs or where deemed required for Scissor Lift EWP as per risk assessment / plant risk assessment / permit conditions.

Codes of Practice

SafeWork NSW: Managing the Risk of Falls at Workplaces (2019)

Safe Work Australia: Managing the Risk of Falls at Workplaces (2015)

Work Safe Qld: Managing the Risk of Falls at Workplaces (2021)

Inspection and Competency





Anchor Points - Temporary

Visual inspection of Anchor and parent structure: 30 days

SB, SI, SA, RB, RI, RA, Trained in Working Safely at Heights and installed as per manufacturer’s instructions.

Evidence of Working Safely at Heights training Evidence of system being proprietary

Anchor Points – Permanent & Static lines

12 months

SB, SI, SA, RB, RI or RA or workers trained in use of the system

Compliance certificate

Fall arrest devices

12 months


Service/ inspection tag and next test date

Harnesses/Lanyards / Ropes and slings

Before/after use and 6 monthly

Work at Heights - RIIWHS204E

Service/ inspection tag and next test date

Ladder - Portable

Before each use. After drops and impacts.


Service/ inspection tag and next test date

Ladder - Fixed

In accordance with affixed installation record

SB, SI, SA, RB, RI or RA or workers trained in use of the system

Service/ inspection tag and next test date

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