Diving, Working in or Near Water
Minimum RequirementsWorking in or near water, including diving work, such as pools, tanks, jetties and harbours
Construction of and remedial works to wharves, tanks, jetty’s or other water adjacent structures
Working from barges or other marine vessels
Transportation of people or materials on water
Diving operations
Where practicable, a body of water shall be barricaded/fenced/guard railed off by a 900mm high fence
Where practicable, a safe working platform is to be erected to reduce the risk of falls
Plant and equipment used, including boats, are to be to be fit for purpose, serviced, and maintained, and a prestart check completed prior to use
Communication systems must be in place, with workers trained in the use of the system. This may include electronic devices, radios or hand signaling
Persons working in water must be tethered at all times
Tested and tagged equipment
A rescue plan must be developed by a competent person, with all participants competent in the implementation of the plan
Working alone is not permitted. Any work near, over or under water is to be carried out by a minimum of two persons, and a spotter must be in place at all times
All personnel conducting construction diving work must have a current certificate of medical fitness to dive and any work carried out by personnel must be within any limits stated in the certificate
All works in water require an approved Dive Permit, supported by a Dive Plan, Dive Log and SWMS
Shark and other aquatic wildlife risk shall be considered and assessed in all marine environments and activities