Diving, Working in or Near Water Baseline Safety Standards

Diving, Working in or Near Water

Minimum Requirements
Diving Permit Work in or near water
As Specified in AS/NZS 2815:2013 Construction WHS Induction Rescue Plan
Risk Management
Project Risk Register Dive Plan High Risk Workshop Rescue Plan
PPE Mandatory
PPE Additional

Working in or near water, including diving work, such as pools, tanks, jetties and harbours


Working in or around water presents unstable conditions and the inherent risk of drowning.

A wide variety of factors, such as visibility, marine life, underwater topography, plant and equipment, pressure and communication methods can lead to rapidly changing conditions that place workers in danger.

  • Construction of and remedial works to wharves, tanks, jetty’s or other water adjacent structures

  • Working from barges or other marine vessels

  • Transportation of people or materials on water

  • Diving operations

Step 1 Pre-construction planning

The risks associated with working near, over or under water are to be identified, assessed, and controlled in the Project Risk Register, in accordance with the hierarchy of controls

A High Risk Workshop is mandatory prior to undertaking this activity

Emergency procedures shall be established specific to the scope of works being undertaken near, over or under water, including a rescue plan

Step 2 Contractor requirements

All Diving contractors must identify all High Risk activities within their scope of work, evidence of experience carrying out these activities, provision for full time dive supervisor, relevant licences and competencies of supervisor and workers

All contractors are required to develop and submit, a specific dive plan and safe system of work, e.g. SWMS, for this High Risk activity to the Baseline site representative for approval (7days) prior to commencing works

This MUST include an Emergency Procedure / Rescue Plan, evidence that supervisors and workers are trained in the procedure

Note: The Baseline expectation is that our contractors will follow all safety requirements listed within our standards

Step 3 Pre-activity review

Proposed methodology to be reviewed by Project Team and arrange High Risk Workshop

High Risk Workshop to be conducted with contractor undertaking activity and Baseline Project Team

When diving works are to be undertaken, safe systems of work, including a Dive Plan, shall be developed to specify:

− the qualifications and fitness of divers as aligned to the scope of works.

− the diving equipment and breathing gas used.

− the depth and duration of the dive

− Any required decompression schedule

- Method of communication to divers and Baseline

− Tools to be used in the works; and

- Specific rescue plan

Step 4 Work activity approval

Prior to entering the water a Baseline Work in or Near water Permit to work or Baseline Dive Permit is required to be completed by Dive supervisor and approved to allow diving works to be undertaken and monitored.

These Permits must be submitted by the Dive supervisor and approved by the Baseline site manager.

A toolbox talk must be conducted by a Baseline Project Team member immediately prior to commencing works, and include all workers involved in the activity

Note: Permits MUST be provided by the engaged subcontractor, reviewed and approved by the Baseline site manager/supervisor

Step 5 Work activity monitoring

Baseline site manager / supervisor MUST monitor the activity (from a safe place) until the work activity has been completed.

Daily pre-start communications to be conducted and recorded by Baseline site manager/supervisor

A Task Observation should be conducted by a Baseline Project Team member to record the works being carried out as per approved SWMS.

The Subcontractor Dive Supervisor MUST be present at all times to ensure the permit is being adhered to

Step 6 Completion of work activity

At the end of the activity the subcontractor Dive supervisor must confirm the water has been vacated by all team members and the area been made safe

The Baseline site manager / supervisor MUST confirm the water is vacated, area has been made safe and close out the permit

Elimination Physically remove the hazard

Where possible, prefabricate, preassemble or construct in-situ to eliminate the need to enter or for working in or around water

Use of remote controlled and robotic equipment

Substitution Replace the hazard

Use of remote controlled and robotic equipment

Work should be conducted from a workbox where scaffolding is not feasible, or the task is for a short duration

Preference is to be given to battery powered equipment, and generator setup

Isolation Isolate people from the hazard

Exclusion zones, fencing, signage, and markings are to be in place to identify working zones and prevent unauthorized access

  • Where practicable, a body of water shall be barricaded/fenced/guard railed off by a 900mm high fence

  • Where practicable, a safe working platform is to be erected to reduce the risk of falls

Engineering Replace the hazard

Where work must proceed on or near water’s edge, a fall restraint system shall be used, in accordance with High Risk Standard -Working at Heights

  • Plant and equipment used, including boats, are to be to be fit for purpose, serviced, and maintained, and a prestart check completed prior to use

  • Communication systems must be in place, with workers trained in the use of the system. This may include electronic devices, radios or hand signaling

  • Persons working in water must be tethered at all times

  • Tested and tagged equipment

Administration Change the way people work

All persons must be licenced, trained and competent in the implementation of safe systems of work

  • A rescue plan must be developed by a competent person, with all participants competent in the implementation of the plan

  • Working alone is not permitted. Any work near, over or under water is to be carried out by a minimum of two persons, and a spotter must be in place at all times

  • All personnel conducting construction diving work must have a current certificate of medical fitness to dive and any work carried out by personnel must be within any limits stated in the certificate

  • All works in water require an approved Dive Permit, supported by a Dive Plan, Dive Log and SWMS

  • Shark and other aquatic wildlife risk shall be considered and assessed in all marine environments and activities

PPE Protect the worker with PPE

Risk assessment shall determine the appropriate PPE for the task, in accordance with relevant legislation

An AS2261 compliant rescue buoy (life ring) must be in a location readily available from the area where the work is being undertaken


Work Health & Safety Regulation 2017: Part 4.8 Diving work

QLD Occupational Diving Work Code of Practice 2005

AS 2815 Training and certification of occupational divers

AS/NZS 2299 Occupational Diving Operations Part 1 & 2

Qualifications and Competency

As per - AS2815 Training and certification of occupational divers

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